Vessel search

The Continental Steamship Owners Mutual Protecting & Indemnity Association Ltd provides a mutual P&I insurance and a fixed premium P&I cover – the third party legal liability insurance for ship owners and operators of commercial vessels.
Details of the risks insured are as follows:

  • Illness, injury and death of crew, passengers and other third parties on board
  • Stowaways, deserters and refugees
  • Collision with other ships
  • Damage to property (FFO)
  • Pollution
  • Wreck removal
  • Loss of and damage to cargo
  • Fines
  • General Average (in certain circumstances)
  • Salvage (certain aspects such as SCOPIC)
  • Costs incurred in investigating and defending liability
  • Costs incurred in inquiries and criminal proceedings
  • Sue and labour expenses

We are a team of experienced Underwriters, Claims handlers, Master Mariners and Technical advisors available 24/7 in order to efficiently prevent and/or reduce the consequences from claims and to arrange prompt and settlement thereof.

The Continental Steamship Owners Mutual Protecting & Indemnity Association Ltd is reinsured at Lloyd’s up to US$1,000,000 (one million) on all insured accidents. The main layer of insurance forms US$25,000,000 (twenty five million) and is extendable to US$1,000,000,000 (one billion) if it is necessary. Continental has its reinsurance placed solely through Lloyd’s Brokers.


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